I love robots. They make me happy.

About once a month, I head down to Mass Ave Toys and search for new one’s. I always walk out with one or two. I always take my son. They’ll be his one day.

3 little robots

A collection of Manhattan Toy's robots for my son

My office (which used to be our dining room, but we’re not really formal dinner people) is quickly running out of space for my things – including robots. They are on shelves, on the wall, on the window ledge and so on. I’ll need a specific room one day.

Mr. Atomic

This guy is pretty cool

I really want an iRobot Roomba (not sure why I haven’t bought one). I’m fortunate to call the people behind Museum of Robots, friends. I’m part of the upcoming clothing line RobotoWear. And I actually got to see ASIMO in action!

A kid and ASIMO

ASIMO shows off

I see more robots in my future. More toys. More technology. More experiences. They make me happy. Sometimes I take things too seriously. And although I take my robots seriously – especially Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics – they do make me smile. make me feel like a kid, help me appreciate good design. And like travel, cloud watching, dessert eating, photography or writing, I’m not giving up on them any time soon. I need more robots in my life. And more happy!

What makes you happy?

Hello Robot!

Sidewalk in Tokyo