Tag: video

Roo Roo Roomba
March 18, 2012
Lifestyle, Robots, Video
....could you read us a bedtime story? Please, huh, please? Alright, you kids get to bed, I'll get the storybook Y'all tucked in? Yeah, here we go - Slick Rick, from Children's...
May I present to you - Dan Wonderly
March 1, 2012
May I present to you
In 1997, I walked into a painting class in Cavanaugh Hall on IUPUI's campus. I took my seat and looked to my right. I met Dan Wonderly. First of all, his last name is Wonderly....
Riding the bus
September 17, 2011
Japan, Travel, Video
I've not been shy in previous posts about sharing my love for travel. Or riding on planes. I also love sitting on trains and buses. Basically anything that lets me sit, think and...
Different strokes
June 9, 2011
I worked at an art museum. Now I work at a race track and for a racing series. They seem very opposite and I catch people off guard when I reveal anything about my career. There...
Career defining
June 3, 2011
Digital Strategy, Projects
The first 5 months of 2011 have been relentless. It feels like early June has been the first time I've been able to catch my breath, both personally and professionally....