Tag: Fujifilm X-Pro 1

Getting Lost in Venice
June 21, 2014
Photography, Travel
Venetia author Tiziano Scarpa said: “Getting lost is the only place worth going to.” If you've been to Venice you know what I mean. It's like mardi gras meets Harry Potter's...
Sakura Season in Tokyo
April 5, 2014
Japan, Photography, Travel
When the wind hits the Cherry trees, the petals fall, and it looks like Spring is snowing. It's beautiful. Or how about this? Blossoms are scattered by the wind and the wind...
Black and White Sydney
April 2, 2014
Photography, Travel
In all my travels, Sydney has been the toughest opponent when it comes to jet lag. It will lull you to sleep, then dump cold water on you at 2am. This time I played it...
24 Hours in Rio de Janeiro
March 16, 2014
Photography, Travel
The day started with a quick trip on TAM Airlines from Sao Paulo over the Rio. Then a taxi ride to Ipanema Beach. Which isn't too shabby. There are two main beaches in Rio -...
A Sunny Day in Munich
February 28, 2014
Photography, Travel
I don't drink, but Munich might be the best location in the world for day drinking. I'm also vegan, but Munich might be the best snack spot in the world, where you can find...
An Afternoon in Paris
February 27, 2014
Photography, Travel
I was in Paris for work and we finalized our meetings around 3pm. That left a few hours of great light on a gorgeous day in France. I grabbed my Fujifilm X-Pro 1, a 8mm, 35mm and...
The India Brief
February 2, 2014
I'm back in the US with lots of stats to share. Here goes... Time difference: Mumbai is 11.5 hours ahead. Number of flights taken: 6 Total number of hours flown: 35.25 Longest...
Finally made it to Goa
January 28, 2014
India, Photography, Travel
Goa's been on my list and I'm finally here. What a gift. Such beautiful beaches. I'm at Agonda Beach in Southern Goa. It's more laid back than the northern beaches. This is a...