Tag: Mumbai

The Best Shave of My Life
April 27, 2014
Lifestyle, Travel
This post is a complete rip off from Gear Patrol's essay titled, The Best Shave I Ever Had. I'm a big fan of their site and as I read this essay, it got me thinking about the wet...
The India Brief
February 2, 2014
I'm back in the US with lots of stats to share. Here goes... Time difference: Mumbai is 11.5 hours ahead. Number of flights taken: 6 Total number of hours flown: 35.25 Longest...
Saturday in Mumbai
January 25, 2014
India, Photography, Travel
The traffic is considerably lighter on a Saturday in Mumbai. It's now on par with rush hour in Los Angeles. Again I spent lots of time in a car and despite no regard for any...
My First Day in Mumbai
January 24, 2014
India, Photography, Travel
It's definitely been an eye opening day. 29 floors up in my nice hotel room, I can still hear the hustle and bustle including the never ending honking of horns. It's the language...