Quite simply, I wanted to share something with you that made me happy.
You may not know Kilian Martin. I didn’t until I discovered one of his videos a few months ago. He’s a professional skateboarder that is part artist, part acrobat, part performer and very much an innovator. I’ve never quite seen skateboarding like this. It is an artistic performance in itself, one that combines the showmanship of bullfighting, the intricacies of poetry, the mysticism of Sufism and much, much more. Kilian is a cross between Francisco Rivera Ordoñe, Pablo Neruda and a Whirling Dervish.
Yeah, the might be a stretch, but he’s a remarkable artist. And you have to see him perform.
Kilian Martin: India within from Brett Novak on Vimeo.
His collaborator and filmmaker, Brett Novak deserves the credit for directing and composing such beautiful video, but the you can’t ignore the creativity and approach to Kilian’s brand of skateboarding. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched India Within.
When I want to feel inspired I turn to theses videos. It’s a reminder that no matter the task or project, there’s always room for innovation and risk taking. So thank you Kilian for sharing your creativity.
One more video to share below. And lots of videos from Brett Novak here. Trust me, this will make you happy.
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