Tag: Robot

Miluju tě Machinarium
June 26, 2012
I love Machinarium. Not many iPhone or iPad games have impressed me to the point of reflection. Sure, I've launched Angry Birds on some flights. I've played FIFA, turned some...
Raygun Gothic Rocketship
June 18, 2012
I was recently on the west coast of the US for work, sitting in my hotel room one evening, cranking out emails, reviewing web pages, and writing out project plans. As exciting as...
Roo Roo Roomba
March 18, 2012
Lifestyle, Robots, Video
....could you read us a bedtime story? Please, huh, please? Alright, you kids get to bed, I'll get the storybook Y'all tucked in? Yeah, here we go - Slick Rick, from Children's...
May I present to you - Dan Wonderly
March 1, 2012
May I present to you
In 1997, I walked into a painting class in Cavanaugh Hall on IUPUI's campus. I took my seat and looked to my right. I met Dan Wonderly. First of all, his last name is Wonderly....
Dear iRobot Roomba
January 24, 2012
Lifestyle, Robots
Dear iRobot Roomba - I'd like to put my name forward as a tester for any of your vacuum cleaning robots. I'm in awe of your adaptive technology, clever design, innovation in the...
Japan and Robots
September 15, 2011
Japan, Robots, Travel
As you know I love Robots. It's an honor being in Japan and thinking about robots. Last year I made it to the Honda Collection Hall to witness as demonstration of ASIMO. Today I...